Welcome to the Romanian Expertise Database

The Romanian Expertise Database is an interactive tool that allows you to explore and harness Romania’s expertise in democratisation. In the last 25 years Romania has undergone substantive changes, going from dictatorship and a closed society behind the Iron Curtain, to EU and NATO membership, an open market economy, democracy and social liberties. Already a success story with internationally acknowledged success in several areas, Romania today continues to perfect its democratic record while also seeking to share with the world best practices and lessons already learnt.

Project details


Romanians have not only made the change; they have lived the change. That makes them some of the best experts in transformation and reform in the world


From prison system reform and human rights, to rule of law, child protection, sustainable development or elections monitoring, there is no road of reform untravelled by Romanians


The latest in international development, reforms and relevant evolutions around the globe

Proiect finanțat de către Ministerul Afacerilor Externe prin programul României de cooperare pentru dezvoltare (RoAid) și implementat cu sprijinul Programului Națiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (UNDP) – Centrul Regional pentru Europa și Asia Centrală