Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Western Balkans

The six countries in the Western Balkans region – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia vary to a degree in their Euro-Atlantic affiliations. Functional and structural weaknesses within these countries open doors for foreign hostile actors to project their influence on the WB public.

Eastern Focus Call For Contributions: The World After Tomorrow

Eastern Focus digital quarterly is launching a call for contributions to its fourth issue, dedicated to exploring The World After Tomorrow (i.e. how will the world change after COVID-19?) from a regional perspective. The whole issue will be framed around disruption/disruptive glocal trends (political, economical, geopolitical) and aims to anticipate the parameters of the post-pandemic new normal and their impact on the broader region. Articles that are focused on the structural trends with a long-term impact are prioritised.

Odata cu iesirea Marii Britanii din UE, România îşi pierde cel mai mare aliat strategic din Uniune

De Oana Popescu Zamfir

Este foarte greu de anticipat cum va fi Romania afectata de Brexit. Unul dintre principalele reprosuri facute lui Boris Johnson de catre Parlamentul britanic cand a impins acordul cu UE a fost tocmai ca el nu are la baza niciun fel de studiu de impact, in primul rand economic, dar si social. Asadar nici Marea Britanie nu stie cum va fi afectata ea insasi de Brexit.