The Western Balkans in need for change. A wake-up call for Europe!

The coronavirus pandemic deepens vulnerabilities of the Western Balkan countries and exposes the weakness of state institutions in the region, especially in the health sector and with regards to social protection. At the same time, and related to the rather limited effectiveness of the EU enlargement process over the past years, the implementation of reforms has stagnated and some countries even experienced concerning regressions of the rule of law.

On behalf of the WB2EU network co-funded by the European Commission under its Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme (


Odata cu iesirea Marii Britanii din UE, România îşi pierde cel mai mare aliat strategic din Uniune

De Oana Popescu Zamfir

Este foarte greu de anticipat cum va fi Romania afectata de Brexit. Unul dintre principalele reprosuri facute lui Boris Johnson de catre Parlamentul britanic cand a impins acordul cu UE a fost tocmai ca el nu are la baza niciun fel de studiu de impact, in primul rand economic, dar si social. Asadar nici Marea Britanie nu stie cum va fi afectata ea insasi de Brexit.