Democratic Resilience Index 2022 Privacy policy

Your participation is voluntary and confidential. Your answers will not be nominal, traceable to your identity, nor does the study aim to collect or save your data in the pursuit of personal identification. Your responses will be combined with those of hundreds of different respondents; your data is protected and will remain anonymous. The surveys are exclusively used for academic and research purposes. You can end your participation at any time and all your data and the answers you have provided up to that point will be deleted immediately and irreversibly. 

This invitation has reached you by virtue of the fact that you are part of GlobalFocus Center’s and/or its partners’ database. The invitation contains a unique link, to avoid multiple answers. GlobalFocus Center takes responsibility for data protection and the organisation of the survey, as well as for GDPR compliance. If you consider that this message has reached you by mistake, you can always unsubscribe from the database. 

This study uses the Qualtrics platform, an internationally reputable tool, whose policy regarding personal data processing and privacy can be found on the platform. Qualtrics utilises servers located in the European Union and your data, which was used to connect to Qualtrics, will be irreversibly deleted after you finalise each session. Before any data analysis is conducted, all the data, records and especially information with a potentially intrusive character vis-à-vis your personal life and confidentiality are eliminated. 

Your responses will be completely anonymous and used exclusively for statistical purposes. Your IP address, name or email address cannot and will not be tracked. If you have any questions regarding your participation in the study, or the study itself, please do not hesitate to contact us at: