The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has triggered a seismic shift in the European security landscape, compelling NATO and the European Union to reassess and adapt their strategic priorities. The designation of the Black Sea as an area of key security concern by NATO reflects the urgent need for a comprehensive response to Russia’s unprovoked aggression. While the Southeastern flank is now receiving increased attention, the Black Sea region faces challenges in achieving the same level of intra-NATO and regional security cooperation seen in the Baltic Sea.

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has opened a new front for disinformation and propaganda, to which Romania, both an EU and NATO member, has not been immune. The spread of anti-EU and anti-West narratives, typically in line with the Kremlin’s agenda, or even openly pro-Kremlin, has been a part of the Romanian public discourse and media landscape for years.

In this paper, GlobalFocus Center fellow Ovidiu Raețchi reframes the intriguing relationship recently developed between traditional regional adversaries Russia and Turkey as one of competitive cooperation. Make no mistake, he argues: the element of competition remains; the presidential choreographies, however, point to an informal agreement at the highest level, between Putin and Erdogan, to avoid any serious deterioration of relations, each of them considering that one has more to lose if he makes the other vulnerable and obtains geopolitical gains at the other’s expense.
Ovidiu Raețchi is an expert on Middle Eastern politics and history and a former vice-chair of the Committee on Defence, Public Order and National Security of the Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament.

GlobalFocus Center will share its knowledge on hybrid threats at the prime NATO event of the year next Tuesday, December 3.
Our Executive Director Oana Popescu Zamfir will moderate “The Battle for Your Mind” session within #NATOEngages, the flagship expert conference on the eve of this year’s NATO Summit.

April 2012 – November 2014 |
The project on Human Aspects of the Operational Environment aimed to enhance NATO peacekeeping, poswar reconstruction and nation-building capacities. We participated together with renown global think-thanks, experts and academics from US, UK, Afghanistan, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lybia etc. The event was financed by NATO.